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woman shouting at man in office
If you’re up against a bad manager, you’re certainly not alone (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Sometimes it’s obvious that you’re up against a bad boss.

They throw tantrums, berate you in front of other people, and fail to inspire their team.

But other times, it’s not so clear.

Perhaps their poor leadership manifests in more subtle ways (think gaslighting) or a workplace has normalised their behaviour.

You can start to doubt yourself. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive, you think, or this is just part of working life.

The first step is recoginising when a working relationship just isn’t healthy, and having your feelings affirmed.

To help you do just that, HR director Danielle Blaire at the health and wellbeing brand GearHungry, breaks down the signs you might have a toxic boss – and shares advice on how to deal with each scenario.

Good work is my win, ‘bad’ work is your problem

This is a classic sign of bad management: when you do something brilliant, your boss will take credit. If things aren’t going so well, it’s all your fault.

What to do: ‘Lay the groundwork before you have even started the scope of work by acting in complete transparency,’ says Danielle. ‘Providing assets such as Google docs that everyone can view, an email stream that updates all parties on progress throughout and a complete overview of work once it is completed consistently relates the work back to you, making it difficult for anyone to legitimately claim it as their own.’


‘Micromanagement from a boss can inflict additional pressure on an employee, especially when working from home,’ says Danielle. ‘Constant calls, messages, and emails (especially with colleagues cc’d in) can see the receiver feel incompetent and undermined.

‘Understandably, this kind of behaviour can soon become toxic to the environment.’

What to do: ‘Play it firm, and fair,’ advises Danielle. ‘If you do not appreciate micromanagement, assert your expertise in the field to make it clear that you are more than capable of the task. Outline the tasks that you often complete with input and give examples of when you have often met deadlines.’

Dismissing your work as ‘easy’

A classic undermining tactic, that’s designed to damage your confidence.

Danielle notes: ‘Such comments project a sense of needlessness to a job role with a portrayal that it is unnecessary. Without question, this can be considered as toxic.’

What to do: Here’s what Danielle recommends. ‘Acknowledge the comment and ignore the context by asking questions. For instance:

  • Do you think? Which parts are easy?
  • How so?
  • Why do you believe it is easy?

‘Digging a little deeper leads the person to think about their comments further as they attempt to elaborate. This can have them question their comments and really think about the meaning behind their words.’

Constant out-of-office communication

Breaking down boundaries by constantly messaging outside of working hours ramps up stress and leads to burnout.

It can make you feel controlled by your workplace, and as though it’s impossible to disconnect.

What to do: ‘Set boundaries,’ Danielle advises. ‘An email out of office auto response does not have to be limited to annual leave. Setting it at EOP outlining when you can respond manages expectations. Voicemails can also be used in the same way as OOO auto responses.’

Fear-led management

‘Ultimatums or management that is built upon a foundation of unapproachable behaviour is toxic,’ says Danielle. ‘If you feel that your tasks are unfairly critiqued, your job is always put in jeopardy or there are always consequences laid in front of you, the situation may be deemed toxic.’

What to do: Here’s where documenting what’s happening is essential. ‘Keep a diary of situations that you feel are toxic,’ says Danielle. ‘If you have evidence that aligns with each diary entry, such as email chains, file them also.

‘Arrange a chat with HR and discuss the situation. Employees can forget that HR is an impartial voice supporting them that is there to provide solutions.

‘Feeling that your boss is exerting toxic behaviour does not have to be tolerated.

‘Remember, it does not have to carry on that there are tools available to you that safeguard your wellbeing in the workplace.’

Do you have a story to share? We want to hear from you.

Get in touch: metrolifestyleteam@metro.co.uk.

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