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A woman wearing a face mask with a backdrop of people wearing masks
Face masks could be ditched in most settings next month as infections fall (Picture: Getty Images)

People will no longer be told to wear masks in shops and at work as social distancing ends on June 21, it has been reported.

Sources have suggested face coverings would only remain in ‘limited settings’ such as buses, trains and the Tube after this date.

Under the Government’s current ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown, nightclubs are set to open on June 21, for the first time in 14 months, while it is hoped all remaining limits on social contact will be lifted.

Scientists are thought to be on board with the National Economy Recovery Taskforce’s proposals to scrap face masks rules.

An insider told the Sun: ‘The current thinking points to social distancing going and mask wearing only in limited settings like buses, trains and the Tube.

‘Obviously this is all dependent on final sign-off but the data is looking good and the political will is there for a proper lift-off.’

From Monday dozens of rules are expected to be lifted, with people allowed to hug friends and loved ones and invite people round their homes again.

A woman wearing a facemask poses while she waits on a platform for a train on the Underground in central London on February 12, 2021. (Photo by Tolga Akmen / AFP) (Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images)
It is thought face masks could still be required on public transport after June 21 (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

It comes as more than 35.7million first doses of the vaccine have been administered, with 18.4million receiving their second shot.

However measures such as social distancing and mask wearing have been kept under a separate review to rules on household mixing and which businesses can open.

Scientists expect coronavirus to retreat over the summer, and the population should be much better prepared by winter due to the vaccine rollout.

People aged 38-39 are now being invited to book their jab and the Government is aiming for everyone to be offered a first dose by the end of July.

A Downing Street spokeswoman said she could not comment on the masks report and pointed to the details of the roadmap out of lockdown.

Scientists have expressed concerns that a surge of the highly transmissible Indian Covid variant could jeopardise plans to ease restrictions.

UK cases of the variant are thought to have tripled in the past week and the strain has been listed as a ‘variant of concern’.

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